Sunday, 26 July 2009

Where are they now?

The death of the last Tommy from the First Great War starts a thought train that leads so easily to today's problems and solutions.

In the first and second world wars we had as today we have a generation who through either the thirst for adventure, or nationalism, or in a effort to improve themselves financially and socially saw enlisting in the army and fighting for their country as a way through and as today they werelet down by a demogogic ruling political class who seem to be more interested in what they made for themselves rather than what they can do for their country.

Flanders fields cost us a generation of leaders and several generations of leadership, a situation that was exacerbated by the Second World War where once again those who were driven by nationalistic pride with its inevitable attachment of a sense of duty were the bulk of those lost.

To my mind, politically, those generations saw their peak with the resignation of Lord Carrington over the Falklands Crisis and war, the actions of a man of principle.

Then we have today, a Prime Minister too scared to go to the country and putting his personal vanity and greed above the national interest leading a political party that now puts its aims and personal funding again above national interest and when one Minister, Purnell, resigns over principle he is mocked and scorned and our beloved leader proceeds to bring back to government those who have been rejected, indulged in what can only be called corruption, or are party hacks, Kinnochio, whom Gordon is scared of.

While this sounds like I might want to go and top myself there is a bright light in the tunnel, its to be hoped its not a train going the other way but rather is the first signs of a new spring. To talk to my sons friends who are in the army and to listen to the new MP for Norwich North makes me think that this just might be the next Great War generation who will lead us out of thew wilderness and back into a world of principle and discipline. God knows we need it.

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