Friday, 4 December 2009

just got mad

I have not kept this blog up that well, to be quite honest I look at the quality of the blogs around the place and its a bit intimidating, but this morning has got me all riled up so here goes.

The British government continues to show its sheer incompetance, in all things finacial especially. News this morning that I linked to on Twitter of
1: the ammount of money made by the banks, the people who exacerbated the problem, from the government, who caused the problem, as advisory fees to solve the problem they created. See
2: Having announced in the queens speech that they were going to cut the deficit by 50% the Chancellor now says well not right now, in other words he does not know how to solve the issue, quell surprize.
3: The banks who have recieved finacial support from the taxpayer have not met their lending commitments but at the same time are not foreclosing on commercial properties, no connection of course, but by not foreclosing on the commercial property markets they are delaying the second dip into recession. Some of the banks who would foreclose on you or me in a heartbeat are not even testing the covenants as they know what will happen then.

If that batch of stupidity was not enough, the governement has reduced itself to calling names at anyone who is not in lockstep over global warming, er cooling, er climate change even after it is clearly shown that the scientists have been lying, NASA and East Anglia University for starters, about the data. To add to that the chancellor of East Anglia gets on TV this morning and says well even if they did it doesn't matter neatly sidestepping that the bulk of the arguement for the change is based on the data these bozos fiddled with and then neatly lost.

I am now in the market for a nice little island, not at the Gallapagous as change is not permitted there now, not at the very place that proved that a species under stress will mutate and evolve to deal wit the stress, to retire to.

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